6 Ways to Get MSP Clients

For many MSPs, few things can be more challenging than figuring out how to get new MSP clients. Having the technical know-how to manage an MSP is one thing; knowing how to get your first client is a completely different challenge.

Fortunately, employing the best practices that follow can help you get new clients and start building a solid foundation for your MSP business. Whether you’re just starting out or are looking to expand, these tips will help you build your MSP client base.

1. Find your niche

One of the best things you can do to help your MSP stand out is to target a specific niche. Operating an MSP business that serves clients of any type and size may seem like a good idea at first, but this can ultimately cause you to get lost in a sea of competitors. Instead, focus on a narrower target market to help differentiate your MSP.

  • Identify a vertical. Consider which verticals will be the best fit for your business. For example, if you have specialized experience working with healthcare clients, you can focus on healthcare as your primary vertical and use your experience in that industry as a selling point.
  • Assess the local market. You could also consider which types of businesses are most prevalent in your region. Based on the local market, you could target your services to other popular verticals such as education or finance.
  • Consider satisfied clients. You know your most satisfied existing clients are already a good fit for your business, so seeing what they have in common can also help you define your niche.

Identifying your expertise and specialization will ensure you can differentiate your business in ways other than pricing.

2. Develop your website

Visibility and effective communication are crucial for securing managed services clients, so your online presence will play a big role in helping you find new ones. A professional, functional, informative website makes a strong first impression on prospects looking for technology help.

Conversely, a website that looks outdated or doesn’t function well will make prospective clients think twice about working with you. If you’re in the IT industry and have a bad website, you can’t expect potential MSP clients to think you have the skills to handle their IT needs.

Your website should provide details about the type of MSP services you offer, with a focus on your unique differentiators (such as your niche or the scope of your services). Following search engine optimization (SEO) best practices can also help you rank higher in search engine results, thus increasing the visibility of your business.

Most importantly, your website should give prospects multiple ways to get in touch with you:

  • Consider using a chatbot on your home page
  • Clearly direct users to where and how they can submit support tickets or inquiries
  • Include relevant contact information and display it prominently on your website
  • Optimize your site by building relevant backlinks, using keyword-rich content, and maintaining a fast, mobile-friendly website.

Offering simple, easy-to-find ways to contact you will encourage prospects to reach out.

3. Use your network

Networking is a powerful tool for landing MSP clients and meeting prospective business partners.

  • Use LinkedIn. MSP owners often make use of LinkedIn and other online tools to grow their network. LinkedIn can be used for more than just “cold calling”-style outreach. LinkedIn Groups provide a place for professionals with similar interests or work experience to connect, share insights, and ask for help. LinkedIn can also help you generate new leads.
  • Join networking groups. In-person networking can also be a powerful resource for MSPs. Being an active member of your local chamber of commerce and other networking groups will allow you to participate in regularly scheduled events where you can meet other business owners. Networking lunches, often organized by these groups, are valuable opportunities to meet and connect with others in your community.
  • Attend industry events and conferences. Attending industry conferences and events can help you meet new contacts who can connect you with business opportunities or become future partners. A few of the most popular MSP conferences include MSP Expo, MSP Summit, Build It Live: The Ultimate MSP Leadership Summit, and 7 Figure MSP Live Events. You can also attend virtual events, like Syncro’s Grow Virtual Workshop to learn from industry experts.

These networking activities won’t always directly lead to referrals, clients, or partners. However, being an active participant in both digital and offline networks will help you establish your presence and access resources that help you get MSP clients.

4. Form partnerships

One of the main reasons networking is so important is that it can help you form partnerships that make it easier to grow your business. Collaborating with other businesses can significantly enhance market reach and customer access.

For example, you could partner with larger, more established MSPs to become their go-to referral option for smaller clients that don’t fit their ideal customer profile.

You could also partner with other MSPs to pair your service offerings. For example, if your MSP focuses on network monitoring and security and another focuses on cloud infrastructure, partnering to offer your services could allow both of you to grow with the help of each other’s clients.

Remember, successful partnerships must be mutually beneficial and provide value to both parties if you want them to stand the test of time.

5. Market your services

Regardless of industry, marketing is one of the most important steps for capturing the attention of prospective customers. Strong marketing can help build awareness and attract new customers, but you must adapt your marketing strategy based on your budget and target market.

Before launching a marketing campaign, make sure to first clearly define the goals and messaging you’ll use to promote your products and services. For instance, is your goal to generate leads, brand awareness, or drive website traffic?

Establishing the purpose of marketing campaigns at the outset will help you select the right channels to promote your business, as well as what you focus on in your marketing to potential clients. Establishing marketing and sales KPIs allows you to gauge whether or not your campaign and larger marketing efforts were successful.

MSPs can especially benefit from strong content marketing (such as blogs and podcasts) to demonstrate their expertise and offer value to potential clients. Make sure content integrates SEO best practices to enhance its visibility and drive web traffic.

Tip: Learn how to work sales into your schedule without working more.

6. Launch a referral program

Leveraging an existing client base to encourage referrals can be a cost-effective and high-yield strategy for attracting new clients, as satisfied customers can serve as enthusiastic advocates for your brand.

Referrals are one of the most powerful forms of word-of-mouth marketing and can be far more persuasive than paid advertising efforts. Don’t be afraid to ask for referrals from people who know, trust, and respect your work. Customer testimonials can also help you gain trust and stand out from the competition.

If you’re just starting your MSP business and don’t have clients yet, you could request referrals from people who know your IT work and capabilities. As you gain MSP clients, you should regularly ask for referrals so you can continue to grow your business.

Start your referral program by asking for referrals from current clients. If you’re not getting a lot of engagement, you may need to entice customers with a reward, like a small one-time discount on services.

Serve more clients with MSP software that scales

If your efforts are successful, you’ll need to be sure you have the bandwidth to handle an increased workload. Even if you have a relatively small IT team, it doesn’t have to limit your ability to serve more MSP clients — the right software can help you reduce administrative tasks so your team can focus on serving clients.

Syncro’s integrated MSP software helps you streamline your business, providing a single dashboard for managing all your core tools. Automation features, competitive pricing, and over 50 integrations with third-party tools help you serve each of your customers effectively.

As a platform that scales alongside your MSP business, Syncro helps you grow your client base with confidence. Get a free demo to see how you can maximize your growth potential with Syncro.