How to Use Audience Segmentation for Better Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the methods that have the best ROI. It has an estimated return of $42 for each $1 spent.

However, companies often miss out on getting the results they could because they treat their email audiences the same way, sending everyone on their list the same emails week after week.

As an IT provider, you can have very different audience groups. One group might be residential and be more attracted to content regarding smart homes or family cyber safety. Another target audience could be business clients that are more interested in information on topics like cybersecurity and expanding a network for remote teams.

What happens if your leads and customers get too many emails with content that’s irrelevant to them? They unsubscribe.

And to break things down further, within your audiences you will have people at different buying stages of your digital marketing campaign. Sending the right email content at the right time can help people move along your sales funnel faster.

What all of this adds up to is that to run an effective email marketing strategy, you need to segment your audiences.

What’s Audience Segmenting?

Segmenting your target audience means that your content is sent based upon different variables. For example, your segmentation strategy may be by demographic and tag residential clients differently than small businesses. This allows you to send relevant content to each one, giving you a better chance of driving sales.

How much does segmenting matter? Here are a few statistics on a segmented email campaign versus non segmented campaigns:

  • Segmented campaigns get 14.31% higher open rates.
  • Segmented campaigns get 100.95% more clicks.
  • Segmented campaigns have 9.37% fewer unsubscribes.

Tips on How to Approach Email Marketing Segmentation

Getting irrelevant content from companies is a big customer pet peeve. Segmenting helps you avoid that. There is not just one way to segment your audiences. We’ll go through a few different ways to do that below to help boost the results you get from your email marketing.

It’s important to start small and work your way up. If you try to segment too many ways at first, you could get cut short not having unique content ready for each segment. 

Start with the most obvious audience segment group (such as between residential and business customers) and get used to sending targeted email or segmented email campaigns out to them for a few months, then start drilling down into other helpful audience segments.

Let Your Contact Form Help You Segment

If you’re bringing your leads into a CRM that works with an email service such as MailChimp (like Syncro does), you can automate the “tagging” process through your contact form.

Add a field that relates to how you segment your audiences. It could be a dropdown for company type or a check box for “What IT services are you interested in?”

The field that the lead chooses on the form will automatically create a tag on that contact. Then when you bring that person into your email program you can create a segmented campaign based upon the tags.

Segment by Demographics/Industry

One of the most obvious ways to do audience segmentation is by their demographics or industry. For example, if you separate medical-related organizations from accounting and finance firms, you can send information that speaks to each.

You could send details on how you secure and service IoT devices, such as those used in hospitals to any leads with a “medical” tag, and send financial industry cybersecurity content to those with a “finance” tag.

Segment by Service Interest

Another way to separate your audiences so you can send them targeted digital marketing content is by their area of interest. If someone is on your website because they want to transform their cloud infrastructure for a remote team, they may not be very interested in your emails promoting virus removal or device repairs.

Instead, you would want to send them links to your blog posts related to securing and empowering remote employees.

Segment by Position in the Sales Funnel

Another effective way to segment your email list, and one that works well alongside one of the other segmenting methods is by position in the sales funnel.

New leads that don’t know very much about your company may not be ready for you to close the deal. They may need content that’s more “get to know us” such as an email about one of your case studies.

Leads that have already been sent a quote, but haven’t pulled the trigger yet will require a different type of personalized email, such as one that emphasizes the ROI of a particular service.

Look at the different areas of your sales funnel and put together a drip campaign that can feed the person the right information at the right time to help you nurture leads and then make the sale.

Get an RMM/PSA That Enables a Segmented Email Strategy

Syncro is an RMM/PSA platform that works fluidly with services like MailChimp and others. It enables market segmentation for a more effective targeted email marketing strategy.

Contact us today to schedule a free demo and a 30-day free trial. Call 856-579-6276 or start your trial online.


[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Caitlin Good is the Content Marketing Manager at Syncro with more than 10 years of experience in the technology and eCommerce industries.[/author_info] [/author]


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