MSP Website Teardown Webinar

Turn your website into a member of your sales team

A website should do more than just house your MSP’s business name and contact information. It’s a vehicle that can help you generate sales and grow your business with the right compelling elements.

Mark Copeman of Wingman MSP Marketing has reviewed 250+ MSP websites in the last 12 months and sees way too much money being left on the table as visitors click on by.

In this webinar, Mark performs live website teardowns for willing volunteers — without the aid of a safety harness. Expect to take down a notebook full of tactics and techniques to make a difference to how your site performs immediately.

You’ll learn:

  • The 5 biggest mistakes that MSPs are making on their websites
  • How to capture more sales through website optimization
  • Tweaks that you can make today to boost performance and conversions