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Today we wanted to talk briefly about reporting within Syncro. We’ve heard you all loud and clear, we know what we have to do, and we can assure you we’re hard at work there. That said, we are taking great care to ensure we are going to do it right, and that’s going to take time.
In the meantime, we released an Asset Audit report today which was designed exclusively as a workaround to assist everyone in circumventing some of the shortcomings with existing asset-based reports, as well as within our paginated lists of assets that couldn’t be exported and used externally.
Now you can get lists of assets by customer or globally and export those in CSV or PDF formats. We’ve made several new fields available to you so they can now be easily sorted and filtered, such as GB of RAM.
We’ve also made all of your custom fields available to you as individual entities, so those too can be used for your reporting and filtering purposes.

We are hopeful this workaround will help those of you that have been unable to export crucial asset data in a meaningful way.
To learn more about existing reporting options, check out our RMM Report Help Center article here.
The Syncro Team