Updating “Invoiced” Ticket Status within Syncro RMM & PSA

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    Today we’re announcing another feature for you, straight from our Community-Driven Development Track. The request comes in from George Randolph. George wanted a better way to handle a ticket’s billing status, and wanted to decouple that from being a physical ticket status. We agreed, so we’ve gone off and built just that!

    We’re removing the Invoiced ticket status altogether, and replacing it with a static field denoting whether the ticket is Non-Billable, Invoice Required, Invoiced, or Partially Invoiced. We’re also adding this as a filter in your Saved Ticket Searches, a sortable column on the Tickets list page, and as an available condition in Ticket Automations.

    This feature will be released tomorrow (January 21st, 2021).

    Please be sure to update any related Ticket Automations or Ticket Saved Searches you have that may have been utilizing the old ticket invoiced status with the new Billing Status field instead. Reference your email for more information about this update.

    So thanks again to George for the winning submission! It was our pleasure to develop this on your behalf.

    To learn more about this feature update, check out our Help Center article here.

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    The Syncro Team