Internal Ticket Messages within Syncro RMM & PSA

A special shout out goes to David Morin for the request. David wanted a way to notify his technicians when they needed to know a key piece of information when opening tickets on their behalf.

We’re solving this need for David by enabling what we’re calling “Internal Ticket Warnings.” These can be set on a per-customer basis, and will display a notification banner each time a new ticket is opened on behalf of that specific customer.

Here’s what David had to say about the feature:

Thanks for this implementation! With this feature, our team will be notified when creating a ticket for a customer which has special requirements. We have some customers for which there is only one employee allowed to open tickets with us and this will make sure that our team does not bypass this rule. Other customers also have special needs such as requiring a PO number to open tickets or they might require to have the name of the employee opening a ticket for a colleague written in the ticket subject, etc.

To learn more about how to implement this feature within Syncro, visit our Ticket Settings Help Center article here.

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The Syncro Team