Dropdown Variables in Scripts Added to Syncro RMM & PSA

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    We’ve got another feature for you straight from our Community-Driven Development Track! A big thanks to user David Morin for the request.

    We’re expanding the power of our scripting variables through a new variable type we’re calling Dropdown Variables. These work in largely the same way as Runtime Variables, with the exception that you set predefined values for each. Now you can define fixed values for your technicians to select from, completely eliminating the possibility of manually entering invalid values at the script’s runtime.

    The power and flexibility of this new functionality bring an all new flavor to Syncro’s already powerful scripting engine, making this one of our favorite community submissions to date. We can’t wait to see what you all come up with next. We’ll be rolling out this feature to all accounts later today.

    To learn more about Scripting within Syncro, check out our Help Center article here.

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    The Syncro Team